who we are


Quintin & Hailey Thompson

Gundahoo River Outfitters is owned and operated by Quintin Thompson and the Thompson family. Quintin grew up between the Prairies of Alberta and the Mountains of Northern BC. His parents, Art and Crystal Thompson originally established Gundahoo River Outfitters Inc. back in 1987 when they purchased Muncho Lake Outfitters. Later, in 2000, they expanded and began operating the historical “Red Sorensen” guide area immediately adjacent. To this day, the 2 areas are operated together, and represent one of the finest Big Game Hunting concessions in North America. Presently, Quintin along with his wife Hailey, and his three children, Jacob, Isaac and Anna-James, enthusiastically work together to cultivate and protect this Outfitting Family Heritage.

Following the 2015 hunting season, Quintin shifted gears from being a full time hunting guide, to taking over outfitting operations from Art and Crystal, and the rest...


Isaac, Anna-James, & Jacob

The crew




Memberships & Affiliations

Memberships & Affiliations


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EMAIL: info@gundahoo.com

CELL: 403-391-7879

Toll Free: 1-866-GRO HUNT

Mailing address

(June to October)
Gundahoo River Outfitters
Quintin Thompson
Box 39
Muncho Lake, BC
V0C 1Z0

(Off Season - October to June)
Gundahoo River Outfitters
Quintin Thompson
Box 2941
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta
T4T 1P2

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