hunts & what to expect

Hunts with Gundahoo River Outfitters are primarily conducted on horseback, and adding to that, you can expect to be accompanied by a guide and a wrangler/camp helper. Accommodations are cabins or canvas tent camps with wood stoves, affording the ability to dry off after a wet day on the mountain. However, due to the varying terrain we have within the area, and the potential known location of our quarry, some expeditions may involve short term backpacking with support from our horse crews. These sturdy mountain horses have been ranch raised and trained, and are seasoned for your safety. Additionally, our company owned aircraft also plays a vital role in ensuring all logistics can be realized effectively, efficiently and safely. Meals will be a combination of hearty comfort food, along with a supplement of freeze-dried food (Mountain House) on those late nights and days where you have to ‘pack light’. Any special diets will be accommodated to the best of our ability. All of our sought after game species are spread throughout our entire guide area. Our guides are true and tested, and understand the investment you have in your hunt. They are professional, and strive to be the best they can be, for your success. We request as well, that you come prepared, both mentally and physically. This will also make your hunt the best it can be. Finally, weather can and will interrupt hunting. When it does, take advantage of the down time to rest up and relax. Mountain weather moves quickly thru areas, and it changes constantly.

stone sheep

The mountain sheep found within the Gundahoo River hunting territory are considered ‘true’ Stone’s sheep. Genetic coloration of their bodies can vary from salt and pepper, chocolate, to almost black. Quite a variety of horn configurations can be found, ranging from tipped or broomed, to large heavy sweeping curls, to fancy impressive twisty ones. We believe that the Stone’s Sheep likely are one of the most striking big game animals found almost anywhere. Our hunting territory is home to a healthy population of Stone’s sheep, and with hard work and a little luck, you, along with your Gundahoo guide, will find your ideal trophy ram. *and saying that, we truly believe that with hard work, you will ‘make’ your own luck. You may find hunts shorter in  duration, however our typical sheep hunts are 14 days. This is a mountain hunt, and weather is probably the largest factor determining how many hunting days within a trip you may have.

main sheep

Our sheep hunts start August 1st (opening day). This initial hunt is ideal for ‘sheep only’ hunters, as this is the only big game species open during this time frame. This first hunt includes three days of pre-scouting with your guide. Our second hunt starts August 13th . This hunt can also include other species, once your primary tag, Stone’s Sheep, has been harvested. Additional animals that can be hunted include Mountain Caribou (opens August 15th ), Canadian Moose (opens Aug 23rd ), and Mountain Goat (Aug 25th ). Additional animals that are harvested during the hunt are subject to a harvest fee. As with any mountain hunt, climbing should be anticipated. The highest mountains within are territory are around 7500’, compared to the valley floors around 4500’. A typical hike vertically will be approximately 2 - 3 hrs. The better shape you can be in for the hunt, the more enjoyable it will be.

Stone sheep hunts

Stone Sheep Hunts with Gundahoo River Outfitters are 1x1. Please contact us for pricing and availability. Please contact us if you would like to see some more of our recent Stone’s
sheep harvest pictures. They can be private messaged to you.

main sheep

canadian moose

moose 1

As the northern border of our guiding area is less than 100 air miles from the Yukon Territory, we can attest to have some of the largest Canadian Moose genetics in the Province of British Columbia. The farther north you go, the bigger they get. They just start ‘calling them Yukon Moose’ just a little north of us. The bulls we harvest average 55” in width, and each year we consistently take numerous Boone & Crockett quality trophies. Moose hunting can begin on August 23rd , as an additional animal to harvest while sheep hunting. On August 28th we start full combination hunts; Moose are in velvet but hard horned. Later in the fall, on hunts starting September 12th , September 23rd and October 4th , antlers are fully stripped and moose are in the ‘Rut’. The weather is cooler and is an exciting time to hunt. Close calling encounters are frequent. For many years now, our rifle Moose hunts have been 100%. When it comes to Moose hunting, once your trophy has been harvested, the work begins. Your guides and/or helpers take time to carefully cape out and get your trophy field dressed and hauled back to camp, and ultimately back to base. This all takes time, so you can expect this to burn up a couple days.

moose 1

moose hunts

Gundahoo River hunts for Canada Moose can be offered on a 1x1 or 2x1
basis. Contact us for pricing and availability.

moose gallery

Mountain Goat

kid goat

The “White Buffalo” we call them, the Mountain Goat, makes an awesome trophy. The Gundahoo River hunting area is home to large populations. We strive to harvest the old Billies, with most specimens in the 9 - 91/2” range taken. Some larger. We can boast a virtually 100% success rate when Goat is the desired primary species on the hunt. Usually a Boone & Crockett Billy is taken each year. This hunt is offered as an additional trophy starting August 25th , then is included in our combination hunts that begin August 28th, September 12th, September 23rd, and October 4th . We will offer single species goat hunts if requested. When it comes to Mountain Goats, another (probably bigger) part of the trophy, is ‘the hair’. And our geographic location lends to that. Being in the interior of British Columbia, versus the Pacific Coast, fall weather is cooler. Our Mountain Goats have thicker longer hair, sooner than those in the Coastal ranges.

kid goat

goat hunts

Gundahoo River hunts for Mountain Goat hunts can be offered on a 1x1 or 2x1
basis. Contact us for pricing and availability.

mountain goat gallery



Harvest of a Wolf can be a wonderful opportunistic trophy that can be hunted at any time. And with your complimentary tag that Gundahoo River Outfitters provides each client, it is a definite possibility!


Gundahoo logo white


CELL: 403-391-7879

Toll Free: 1-866-GRO HUNT

Mailing address

(June to October)
Gundahoo River Outfitters
Quintin Thompson
Box 39
Muncho Lake, BC
V0C 1Z0

(Off Season - October to June)
Gundahoo River Outfitters
Quintin Thompson
Box 2941
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta
T4T 1P2

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